Hello! I am porcelainconcept, sometimes, rarely, known as vehementpoet. This is documentation of poetry I have written, just my personal favorites, and some that have stemmed from my educational/career path. I hope you find something meaningful here. TRAVERSAL Far across the weeping Atlantic, in a place native to me, it is 7-PM and I would’ve clocked out in just two more hours. But I’ve chased you, followed you from turbulent dreams into a navy-chalked reality. I found you here, under a flickering lamppost in Praga-Południe, waiting for a bus painted yellow and red like etchings of the sun across marble tiles. we’re at a standstill, neither of us knowing what to say, lost in the complicated mechanisms of conscious thought and worn familiar emotions. There are a thousand things my mind is pleading with me to finally say, things that have grated at my very soul and the tangible, dewy and pearlescent hypersigils which represent it. My heart pounds strangely, like someone is tuning a guitar, thrumming their fingers across strings too quickly, harsh and impulsive. What I want to tell you is, yes, God, I love you. The uncertainty of limerence was prominent for a time, doubt of earnest romance, a concoction of denial and ego that loving you is beneath me and its merely psychological, religious warfare grown from obsession and worship. I know now, looking into estranged, dark eyes, veiled with long feminine lashes, this is love. This is sainthood and virtue and everything else that stems from divine beaming rays crafted from every love story that has ever existed. This is another unearthly love that will be written into scriptures and plays, my weeping heart shall become a muse for the Shakespeare reincarnated. I need to tell you, now, before I lose courage, that being loved by you was like something cold catching fire. Singed oven mitts and third-degree burns---evidence of a lifetime of love, because I will remember you, love you, longer than I had you. The horizon will burn with adherence to a benevolence born from gracious light, begat from two souls entwined, clashing and melting together in a symphony of memory, stronger than any man-made instrument. I see you, for all your faults and shortcomings, and I want you still, tormented because I know I will never have you again. I stand there, trying to find the words, but instead I flee. my feet hit the ground like violent strikes of lightning, my sobs echoing across empty streets of a foreign inner-city, and I know I've done the right thing. Who am I to ruin your peace? I am many things but I do not find myself to be cruel. Undeniable, reaching love cannot be forced, nor manipulated and welded. Loving you is letting you go, spitting up enough flowers for a bouquet, but never giving it to you. There are so many things I want to say, but I try to be a good man, the visionary man who wafted in the chasms of your heart and tried to be, oh, so gentle. I will not ruin your paradise, because I'd like to believe you’re smiling more. I will not shatter your peace, but I wonder if you know that I'm praying you devour mine. I can't help but wait for you under the streetlight down my lane, far away, in America---the promise of which shall always haunt me.